Can't find the answer to your question? We're here to help via , Twitter , Facebook .
Our site uses adaptive bit-rate streaming to deliver the highest quality media that your internet connection and device can handle. Optimally, you'll see a high-definition picture up to 1080p with stereo audio. While you're streaming, we'll monitor your bandwidth to make certain you're getting the best stream possible - if your connection and/or device require, we'll adapt send an appropriate stream to optimize your viewing experience.
If you are reading this, congratulations! That means you'll be part of the hundreds of households who have purchased tickets to this years hybrid festival. Thank you for supporting the Fresno Reel Pride LGBTQ+ Film Festival 32.
The questions in this FAQ are intended to assist with basic issues you may come across as we dive into this year's digital platform.
1. How do I access the festival and films on September 17, 2021?
Although everyone who has purchased a pass can access their Festivee account at any time, the festival and films cannot be accessed until September 17, 2021, starting at 12:00 a.m. Passholders will have access to all films for 72 hours through September 19, 2021, at 11:50 p.m.
That said, as long as a digital pass has been purchased, and regardless of whether you received a purchase confirmation or "Welcome" email from Fresno Reel Pride you can access the festival and all films by logging onto your Festivee account.
2. How do I access my Festivee Account?
To access your Festivee account:
STEP 1. Go to: https://fresnoreelpride.festivee.com/
STEP 2. Click on the login icon on the top right corner of the webpage. A window will appear asking for your email address and password.
STEP 3. Type in the email address and password you used to purchase your pass and create your Festivee account. If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot Your Password?"
On September, 17, 2021, starting at 12:00 a.m., once you have signed in, you will have access to all films being digitally screened as part of Reel Pride 32 for 72 hours, through September 19, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.
4. Can I watch the Film Festival from my television screen?
Even if you don't have a fancy schmancy Smart TV that allows you to surf the web and access https://fresnoreelpride.festivee.com/directly from the screen, you may still be able to enjoy the movies on your television set, if you have the right equipment.
Please click on the FAQ for watching the festival from your TV and/or the FAQ specific to your streaming device for more details.
Grab Your Popcorn and Drink:
Thank you again for being a part of Reel Pride 32! Please help promote this community event by sharing on social media and encouraging your friends to purchase their personal digital access passes. Don't forget to grab your popcorn and support local Tower District vendors.
Finally, please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions or technical issues. Remember to check your spam for other emails and news from Fresno Reel Pride.
Cheers & Happy Viewing!
The Fresno Reel Pride Family
If you are reading this, congratulations! That means you'll be part of the hundreds of households who have purchased tickets to this years hybrid festival. Thank you for supporting the Fresno Reel Pride LGBTQ+ Film Festival 32.
QUESTION: Can I watch the Film Festival from my television screen?
If you have a Smart TV, you can stream directly from https://fresnoreelpride.festivee.com/.
What if I don't have a Smart TV? (Casting, mirroring, and other ways to send images from your phone or tablet to your TV)
Even if you don't have a fancy schmancy Smart TV that allows you to surf the web and access https://fresnoreelpride.festivee.com/directly from the screen, you may still be able to enjoy the films on your television set, if you have the right equiptment.
Whether it's by casting, mirroring, or using an old fashioned HDMI (or *gasp* even VGA) cord, everyone should be able to enjoy the festival on their big[ger] screen TVs.
How do I connect my iPhone or iPad to my TV?
Here are your options:
1. Connect using an HDMI cable
2. For an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with a Lightning connector,
you can use Apple’s Lightning Digital AV adapter.
3. iPhone to Apple TV via AirPlay
4. Mirroring to Roku, Fire TV, and Chromecast (you will need to
download an app)
Visit http://bit.ly/iOS-TechHive for tips and steps-by-step instructions on how to use these options to watch content streaming from your iPhone or iPad on your TV.
How do I connect my android phone or tablet to my TV?
Here are your options:
1. Connect a laptop using an HDMI cable or VGA cable (if using
VGA, make sure it has an audio cord attached), or a phone or
tablet, using the same and some sort of adaptor, such as a
USB-C to HDMI adaptor (it will be difficult if not impossible to
find an adaptor to connect to a VGA cable, though you can try
connecting various adaptors, i.e, USB-C to HDMI and HDMI to
VGA--not recommended).
2. Using your phone or tablet's screen "mirror," "cast," or "media
output," etc, app. Android phones or tablets running an
operating system older than Android 4.1.12 may not have such
a feature.
3. Using your phones "smartTV" app. You will need to be on the
same network as your TV for this to work.
4. If you are using a Samsung device and Samsung Smart TV, you
can use the "QuickConnect" feature. Both your device and
television/streaming device must be connected to wifi.
5. If you have a Samsung device, but not a Samsung SmartTV,
you can use Samsung's "AllShare Cast Hub/Dongle." You will
need an HDMI cable to connect the Hub to your TV.
6. ScreenBeamMini2 or any other wireless, bluetooth receiver.
7. Google ChromeCast, Firestick, Roku, etc. Works with android
and IOS.
Watch this YouTube video that discusses the "how to's" and pro and cons of most these options: http://bit.ly/andoid-cast. Or, if you'd rather read about your options and step by step instructions on some of them, visit http://bit.ly/PCMAG-androidcast.
Grab Your Popcorn and Drink:
Thank you again for being a part of Reel Pride 32! Please help promote this community event by sharing on social media and encouraging your friends to purchase their personal digital access passes. Don't forget to grab your popcorn and support local Tower District vendors.
Finally, please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions or technical issues. Remember to check your spam for other emails and news from Fresno Reel Pride.
Cheers & Happy Viewing!
The Fresno Reel Pride Family
If you are streaming from an iPhone or iPad, here are your options for watching on your big(ger) screen TV:
1. Connect using an HDMI cable
2. For an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with a Lightning connector,
you can use Apple’s Lightning Digital AV adapter.
3. iPhone to Apple TV via AirPlay
4. Mirroring to Roku, Fire TV, and Chromecast (you will need to
download an app)
Visit http://bit.ly/iOS-TechHive for tips and steps-by-step instructions on how to use these options to watch content streaming from your iPhone or iPad on your TV.
Grab Your Popcorn and Drink:
Thank you again for being a part of Reel Pride 32! Please help promote this community event by sharing on social media and encouraging your friends to purchase their personal digital access passes. Don't forget to grab your popcorn and support local Tower District vendors.
Finally, please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions or technical issues. Remember to check your spam for other emails and news from Fresno Reel Pride.
Cheers & Happy Viewing!
The Fresno Reel Pride Family
If you are streaming from an android phone, tablet, or Windows based system (PC/laptop) here are your options:
1. Connect a laptop or desktop using an HDMI cable or VGA cable (if using
VGA, make sure it has an audio cord attached), or a phone or
tablet, using the same and some sort of adaptor, such as a
USB-C to HDMI adaptor (it will be difficult if not impossible to
find an adaptor to connect to a VGA cable, though you can try
connecting various adaptors, i.e, USB-C to HDMI and HDMI to
VGA--not recommended).
2. Using your phone or tablet's screen "mirror," "cast," or "media
output," etc, app. Android phones or tablets running an
operating system older than Android 4.1.12 may not have such
a feature.
3. Using your phones "smartTV" app. You will need to be on the
same network as your TV for this to work.
4. If you are using a Samsung device and Samsung Smart TV, you
can use the "QuickConnect" feature. Both your device and
television/streaming device must be connected to wifi.
5. If you have a Samsung device, but not a Samsung SmartTV,
you can use Samsung's "AllShare Cast Hub/Dongle." You will
need an HDMI cable to connect the Hub to your TV.
6. ScreenBeamMini2 or any other wireless, bluetooth receiver.
7. Google ChromeCast, Firestick, Roku, etc. Works with android
and IOS.
Watch this YouTube video that discusses the "how to's" and pro and cons of most these options: http://bit.ly/andoid-cast. Or, if you'd rather read about your options and step by step instructions on some of them, visit http://bit.ly/PCMAG-androidcast.
Grab Your Popcorn and Drink:
Thank you again for being a part of Reel Pride 32! Please help promote this community event by sharing on social media and encouraging your friends to purchase their personal digital access passes. Don't forget to grab your popcorn and support local Tower District vendors.
Finally, please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions or technical issues. Remember to check your spam for other emails and news from Fresno Reel Pride.
Cheers & Happy Viewing!
The Fresno Reel Pride Family
Although everyone who has purchased a pass can access their Festivee account by visting https://fresnoreelpride.festivee.com/ at any time, the festival and films cannot be accessed until September 17, 2021, starting at 12:00 a.m. Passholders will have access to all films for 72 hours through September 19, 2021, at 11:50 p.m.
That said, as long as a digital pass has been purchased, and regardless of whether the purchase confirmation or "Welcome" emails from Fresno Reel Pride can be located, anyone who has purchased a digital pass can access the festival and all films by logging onto their Festivee account.
How do I access my Festivee Account?
To access your Festivee account:
STEP 1. Go to: https://fresnoreelpride.festivee.com/
STEP 2. Click on the login icon on the top right corner of the webpage. A window will appear asking for your email address and password.
STEP 3. Type in the email address and password you used to purchase your pass and create your Festivee account. If you forgot your password, click on "Forgot Your Password?"
On September, 17, 2021, starting at 12:00 a.m., once you have signed in, you will have access to all films being digitally screened as part of Reel Pride 32 for 72 hours, through September 19, 2021, at 11:59 p.m.
Grab Your Popcorn and Drink:
Thank you again for being a part of Reel Pride 32! Please help promote this community event by sharing on social media and encouraging your friends to purchase their personal digital access passes. Don't forget to grab your popcorn and support local Tower District vendors.
Finally, please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions or technical issues. Remember to check your spam for other emails and news from Fresno Reel Pride.
Cheers & Happy Viewing!
The Fresno Reel Pride Family
If you are logged on to your account, and do not see films, you are just a few steps away from streaming:
1. Once you have logged on, you will be taken to the following screen:
From this screen, click on any one of the tabs on the top of the page: Feature Length Films; Female Short Films; Men's Short Films; or Transcendent Films.
Once you click on one of the tabs, you will be taken to another screen that looks very similar to the above screen, i.e,:
At this point, take your mouse and scroll down the page, which should reveal the films for the tab you chose:
Once you see images for the films, click on the film you wish to stream. This will take you to the screen where you will be able to choose "play" for the film:
At this point, just click play, sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the Reel Pride Team should you experience any issues streaming.
Happy viewing.
Reel Pride Team
If you purchased tickets, you should have received the following two emails from Fresno Reel Pride:
1. An email thanking you for your purchase;
2. An email welcoming you to the festival.
If you do not see these emails in your inbox:
1. You did not fully complete your purchase; or
2. The emails were automatically sent to your spam or junk folder, or if you are using an email provider that automatically filters emails, the emails may have landed in a "promotions" (etc.) folder.
If you are certain your purchase was completed, and suspect that the emails went to your spam or promotions folder, you can fix this problem by marking emails from Fresno Reel Pride "safe" or setting up a rule that sends emails from Fresno Reel Pride to your inbox. However, we recommend that you continue to check your spam folder for future emails from Fresno Reel Pride in case an email slips through the cracks.
You Don't Need the Emails to Watch the Films
Even if you cannot locate these two emails, you will still be able to access the festival and all films on September 17, 2021 by simply logging on to your Festivee account. More on this below.
Grab Your Popcorn and Drink:
Thank you again for being a part of Reel Pride 32! Please help promote this community event by sharing on social media and encouraging your friends to purchase their personal digital access passes. Don't forget to grab your popcorn and support local Tower District vendors.
Finally, please do not hesitate to reach out with any other questions or technical issues. Remember to check your spam for other emails and news from Fresno Reel Pride.
Cheers & Happy Viewing!
The Fresno Reel Pride Family